The Peak Oil Myth

Peak oil, along with Global Warming, or Climate Change, as it has been amended by way of hedge betting on the part of the environmentalist movement, is one of the main worries we mere mortals face today. Add to that all the impending Pandemics and the financial collapse of the world economy, things are looking grim. I do agree with the environmentalists on one thing, climate definitely changes and does so with monotonous regularity.

We are told that we have sucked all the oil there is to suck out of the nipples of our mother planet so any further industrialization of the third world and the demise of our own industrial base, which is well on it’s way, can only be dealt with using unpleasant, but necessary, draconian methods to try and preserve the little we have left of that energy giving nectar we sometimes call “Black Gold”. In an attempt to discourage the use of our Black Gold the environmentalists have promoted a global tax on Co2 emissions, now gaining increasing implementation which is, in effect, a charge for every man woman and child on the planet for the air we breathe. Co2, they claim, is a green house gas that is heating up our planet to disastrous levels and will result in all of us boiling in our own juices if left unchecked. This release of Co2 gas into our environment is a direct result of the unfettered use of fossil fuels, mostly oil. The science says that Co2 is driving the planets weather systems resulting in unprecedented warming. Elementary science would beg to differ given that it is warming that creates more Co2 and not the other way around.

How would we know that? We are not scientists and have to trust in what they tell us. If they are not informing us as to the truth of the matter then it is not unreasonable to assume that the weather has become a political device. The environmentalists would argue that the problem is not with the natural processes but with the anthropogenic input. Man is behind this drastic increase in Co2 and it is man and man alone that are causing the planet to heat up. Co2 is measured in our atmosphere in parts per million and right now we are at the 380ppm level of Co2. The ice core records show that Co2 has been at far greater levels in our not too distant past without one factory or gas guzzling automobile to help it on its way and guess what? The Planet did not become toast.

Warming and Co2 levels are not synchronized by any stretch of the imagination and can be as much as 300 years apart. Somehow we have condensed a long process into a few short years. Man or no man, that is a touch suspicious and one has to question the validity of such scientific claims by supposed respected scientists.

In much the same way we can look at the origins of oil, according to the scientific community. It has been a long held belief that oil is a result of millions of years of rotting organic matter forming great lakes in deep underground caverns. It is a biogenic process with it’s origins in all things organic that once lived on the surface. Not really the sort of thing that any of us would question, why would we? It’s only when one gives it some thought that one begins to view that particular scientific theory, as ridiculous. Are we to believe that sufficient organic matter, animal and vegetable, all conveniently gathered in one massive pile to rot and form billions of gallons of oil that seeped down into the earth. Where was the water that would have seeped down along with it? Okay they could argue that the vast shifting ice shelves, during the ice age, were responsible in collecting and grinding vast amounts of animal and vegetable stuff and it would not be a bad theory except for the fact that giant glaciers did not move around over the entire planet and oil is found in places where the topography was not influenced by shifting ice mountains.

Also, would there have been enough time for oil to form from such a process, if indeed it’s remotely possible?  Regardless, the world is happy with the view that oil is a biogenic process and science is going with that view.

The main plank in the argument of scientists supporting the biogenic origins of oil is that it contains biological debris strongly indicating organic origins. The argument put forward by those scientists that argue oil has an Abiogenic origin rest on the fact that bacteria feeding on the oil accounts for the presence of biological debris in oil. Bacteria do feed on oil as their effect on oil leaks in our seas and oceans would testify to and has been found to be very effective in cleaning up oil leaking through to the ocean floor.

The fact is bacteria does feed on oil and the presence of biological debris in oil becomes less of an indicator that it was formed over millions of years through the process of rotting organic matter and more of a political argument to support the interests of those that would like to see oil remain a rare commodity demanding premium prices. It also supports the aims of the environmental movement that wish to de-industrialize the world and would find that an impossible mission if oil was exposed to be an Abiogenic renewable resource.

One of the giants of science that championed the Abiogenic theory was the late Physicist Thomas Gold. He was a man that carried so much scientific weight that one had to take him at his word. Astrophysicists Geoffrey and Margaret Burbidge remarked that Gold "was one of the outstanding physicists of his time" and that his "versatility was unmatched". Theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson stated, "Gold's theories are always original, always important, usually controversial – and usually right." Anthony Tucker of The Guardian said, "Throughout his life he would dive into new territory to open up problems unseen by others – in biophysics, astrophysics, space engineering, or geophysics. Controversy followed him everywhere. Possessing profound scientific intuition and open-minded rigour, he usually ended up challenging the cherished assumptions of others and, to the discomfiture of the scientific establishment, often found them wanting. His stature and influence were international."

It is for these reasons why I am bound to take what a man like Gold would have to say, on any given subject, very seriously indeed. Scientific history abounds with mould breaking scientists ridiculed by the establishment only to feed them humble pie when his, or hers, principle has been proven. Gold did that time and time again. He first became interested in the origins of petroleum in the 1950s and engaged in thorough discussion on the matter with Fred Hoyle, who even included a chapter on "Gold's Pore Theory" in his 1955 book Frontiers in Astronomy.

In 1977, a research submarine near the Galapagos Islands discovered a number of thriving ecosystems down on the ocean floor, living alongside hydrothermal vents. Later expeditions found that these vents were host to a number of organisms, including giant tube worms and albino crabs, that survived off of heat-loving chemosynthetic microbes. The discovery of life near this adverse environment led Gold to reconsider the established interpretation of biogenic petroleum formation. Gold believed that "biology is just a branch of thermodynamics" and that the history of life is just a "a gradual systematic development toward more efficient ways of degrading energy". The logic of the Abiogenic formation of oil was clear to Gold but not so to the vast majority of scientists around the world with the exception of the Russians, who, as Gold was to later discover, had taken the same path as him many years before. He was accused of plagiarism but rightly pointed out that he had no knowledge of the Russian research given that scientific papers, worldwide, are only published in English and the Russian papers regarding Abiogenic theory was never translated until the iron curtain came down. He was however delighted they had been on the same path as it lent weight to his own work on the subject.

Gold suggested that coal and crude oil deposits have their origins in natural gas flows which feed bacteria living at extreme depths under the surface of the Earth; in other words, oil and coal are produced through tectonic forces, rather than from the decomposition of fossils. At the beginning of the paper, Gold also referred to hydrothermal vents that pump bacteria from the depth of the earth towards the ocean floor in support of his views. The fact that bacteria can live in such temperatures and under such pressure goes a long way to making Gold’s contentions a more than reasonable hypotheses but still, to this day, is ignored by the establishment. Had he still been alive it may be a different story. He was a fearless contender in the scientific world and many a lesser scientist who opposed his views will be less than upset at his demise.

The extremely wealthy on this planet have a very different agenda to the rest of us and see us as useless mouths to feed. Cheap oil would cut into their long term plans for our planet and make it that much harder to maintain their depopulation programs that, in many parts of the world, are only now beginning to kick in. Certain knowledge that oil is in fact a renewable commodity would not help their long term plans at all. The mass media has done a very good job at hiding this kind of information from the general population and would continue to deny it as a fact if all the old and dried out oil wells around the world were suddenly found to be filling up again. The fact is they do fill up again and old estimates as to the amounts of oil contained in oil reservoirs beneath the soil are constantly being revised as they seem to keep giving.

~Sean Casey

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