I have been creating blogs and websites for half my life and have found scores of effective ways to promote and drive traffic via social networking, search engines, blog catalogs etc. and would like to use that knowledge to help promote you! All original writing, art, music, or film of any type/topic that you would like to share with the internet at large, MediaControl.org is here to help build you a bigger soapbox. Even if your original media is already posted elsewhere on the web (i.e. your blog, website, video channel etc.) send it to mediacontrol@hotmail.com and we will help spread your work to a much broader audience of other independent artists and free thinkers.
Media Control will publish up to 4 posts per month for you, link to your original source material (if applicable) and provide you with your own contributor's page, then use the latest methods of promotion and directing traffic to help promote not only your work but also your website, channel, or blog. All we ask for in return is a reciprocal link to MediaControl.org on your site, blog, channel, facebook or wherever you can. So please help us help you and send your original media to mediacontrol@hotmail.com and together we will build an archive of truly free and independent media as well as a community of like-minded writers and artists. Peace.